SpreadEdge Capital specializes in covered call writing across a diverse set of stocks that fit our strict screening criteria. SpreadEdge publishes a FREE weekly Bull Strangle Newsletter that provides investment opportunities each weekend.
Strategy Overview
The Bull Strangle is a combination of a covered call and a naked put.

Strategy Cycle
The Bull Strangle strategy leverages monthly and weekly options sold in 4–5-week cycles. Weekly options enables a continuous (more diversified) expiration cycle.

Watch List
For entry on Tuesday, February 18 for expiration on Friday, March 14.

Additional Detail On Watch List Favorites

More Information
For a free copy of the Weekly Newsletter, please send an email to info@SpreadEdgeCapital.com
Darren Carlat
SpreadEdge Capital, LLC
(214) 636-3133
This information is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and all investments carry inherent risk. Consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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